Crystals In your Home

Placing crystals in the home, in the office or in any place one spends time, may provide the atmosphere of peace and harmony.

Many have found that the presence of crystals in their home changed the whole atmosphere in the house. Guests stayed longer, children had less fights with each other and there was less tension.

The “main” Crystals I recommend to place in a home, office or healing center are:
– Black Tourmaline for protection: People who felt things were not going right for them, or those who have jealous neighbors or friends who always have a bad effect on them, placed a black Tourmaline in the entrance of the house and usually felt a great improvement.

-Quartz cluster for purification.

– Amethyst that provides a good atmosphere

-Rosequartz for love.

-Citrine for connection to Abundance.

-Other clusters depends on the purpose.


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